
Rubbish Removal Services

Trash Talk offers Sydney rubbish removal services that are quick and efficient.

Above all, we work with local organisations to repurpose material to reduce the amount that goes to landfill.

  • Give stuff away for free through our building sites.
  • Take precious metals to local scrap dealers.
  • Employ licensed companies to dispose of asbestos responsibly.
  • Work closely with local furniture makers to recycle Australian hardwood and other timbers.
  • Use convenient bins and recycling stations for batteries, light bulbs and mobile phones.
  • Drop TV’s to Harvey Norman and computer equipment to Officeworks recycling stations.
rubbish removal services

We Recycle

  • Aluminium.
  • Cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Electronic waste.
  • Glass.
  • Plastics.
  • Steel.
  • Wood & timber.

by 2007, OVER 21.3 million tonnes of waste was disposed to landfill.

Why Reduce Landfill?

Landfills can impact on air, water and land quality.

Landfill gas such as methane is produced by decomposing organic waste. This contributes to global warming when released to the air.

Furthermore, water moving from landfill waste forms leachate which contaminates nearby water*.

Bondi rubbish removal

With a growing population and the rise of consumerism and throw-away goods, it makes sense for everyone to do their bit to help the environment.

With a combined effort, we make a difference.

RecyclE just one glass bottle and it saves enough energy to power a washing machine for 10 minutes!

Trash Talk rubbish removal web banner

There’s no mistaking our Trash Talk truck. It’s bold, it’s beautiful and altogether carries trash to a better place.

Not only do we service residential customers but also commercial ones.

We operate in most Sydney areas. So if you’re within a 30 km radius of Sydney CBD, get a quote for our rubbish removal services.

*Read more about climate change.

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