Inner West Rubbish Removal

Inner West


Be the best in the Inner West. Whether it’s the best looking house, garden or building site we’ll get our rubbish removal truck there in a flash.

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INNER WEST Rubbish removal 

Don’t feel bad about having a rubbish clear out when it will make you feel so good! 

Best of all when Trash Talk gets rid of your junk, we ensure it goes to the right place i.e. not just dumped in landfill.

So you can bin that old sofa, upgrade your dodgy washing machine, ditch the carpet, declutter your wardrobe and know it will be taken care of the right way.

If you run a building company or landscaping business in the Inner West, give us a call to help clear your sites efficiently with some good old banter thrown in for free!

Trash Talk rubbish removal Coogee

Inner West rubbish removal.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Choose a rubbish removal company that you can trust to be responsible with your trash. And to all do our bit daily, we have listed some cool local Inner West companies below.

Trash Talk rubbish removal web banner

Great Inner West environmentally-friendly initiatives

Thanks to Inner West Council, a lot of focus is placed on waste and recycling… Avoid, reuse and recycle.

Single-use plastic needs to be wiped out so start by taking your own coffee cup to a responsible cafe in the Inner West and you even get a discount for doing so!

Find a hair salon that is part of the Sustainable Salon initiative by typing ‘Inner West’ into their directory. Not only do these salons melt down all their foils and metal products, but all their plastic and paper packaging is sold to recycling companies with 100% of profits given to Australian charities.

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